Fraud via WhatsApp through video calling

Fraudsters take advantage of this new feature of WhatsApp: video calling.

Messaging WhatsApp announced last week that users were able to make video calls from that time with the app. The update was rolled out gradually and the hackers made according to international tech media and the Dutch what juices. en-handed use of the impatience of users.

Who are invited via messages to activate video calls over a link. ' Only people who have been sent this invitation, install this option, '' claims the report. The link connects to a good fake website where the plant can be clicked. At that time, however, takes the phone malware inside, allowing the hackers access to personal documents, photos and the like.

The messages spread by a cunning trick. On the fake website you can invite friends namely, who will receive the link to WhatsApp.

Many people may last few days though video calls over a perfectly normal button in the app. Activation is not necessary, or patience. WhatsApp rolls the option namely phased out and it may therefore take some time before anyone can peep while WhatsApp calling to each other.