Company chips employees

The company Three Square Market, located in the state of Wisconsin, provides staff with microchips.

The RFID chip, in the size of a rice grain, costs almost 260 euros. According to Patrick McMullan of Three Square Market, they are moving forward to the future. 'We think the market will be guided by people who are first in this trend,' he explains to the BBC.

Three Square Market is known to be the first company in the US to provide its employees with a chip. In Sweden this has been done for some time for some companies. Three Square Market even works with the Swedish BioHax for the chips.

The chips for the employees are not equipped with gps so the company can not see where its people are. The insertion of the chip goes with a two-second dot.

Removing the chip feels like removing a splinter. Eventually, the chip should be able to replace the wallet.