Change your password

Is your password 'default', 'abcde' or 'password'? Then today is eminently to change your password.

This day (November 24) was by tech website Tweakers last year named the National Check Your Passwords Day. Research by the website showed that two used on the five Dutch total of only 1 to 4 passwords on the Internet. More than half of the Dutch (3 to 5), use the same password for multiple online services.

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We are often unaware of the security, or rather insecurity of our passwords. Today Also take the time to check them. Make them more difficult or replace them, it improves the security of everything you do online. Today is that with banking, industrial and private mail and social media is very important.

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Annual reflected by various studies that we come up with a good password not find that easy. So the next ones come much too often:\n  \n  \n   advertisement

- 11111111

- 123123

- password

- admin

- qwerty

- access

- abc123

- trustno1

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Some tips to make your password stronger:

- Use a password at least 8 characters

- Use at least one word and number combination known only to you

- Do not use birth dates, addresses, names of children or pets

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For more tips and the ability to check your password in password-conscious. nl