• Crew rescue ship in Italy sued

    Crew rescue ship in Italy sued

    trapani July 30, 2018 06:21 Hot Recent News

    Ten crew members of the German rescue ship Iuventa are the subject of a criminal investigation by the Italian judicial authorities. That says the German aid organization \u0026 jugend Rettet \u0026 # x27; (JR), the owner of the vessel trying to rescue boat refugees in the Mediterranean, in a press release.

  • President Italy mediates for migrants

    President Italy mediates for migrants

    trapani July 13, 2018 08:39 Hot Recent News

    Italian President Sergio Mattarella personally interfered with the fact that 67 migrants were allowed to come to a Sicilian port after they had been picked up from the sea off the Libyan coast. Italian media report that Friday.

  • Female mafia boss arrested

    palermo December 5, 2017 19:27 Hot Recent News

    The Italian police have arrested twenty-five Mafiosi in a large-scale operation in Sicily. The 49-year-old Maria Angela Di Trapani is one of the 'biggest fish' that the police managed to capture.

  • German rescue ship seized

    German rescue ship seized

    rome August 2, 2017 19:06 Hot Recent News

    The Italian authorities seized the Iuventa, the ship of the German aid organization 'Jugend Rettet' (JR) on Wednesday. The prosecutor of Trapani in Sicily decided to do so because JR is guilty of promoting illegal immigration. The crew would have taken on board migrants several times, escorted by Libyan smugglers and not in danger.

  • Many tourists flee for forest fires Sicily
    0 Comment 171

    Many tourists flee for forest fires Sicily

    trapani July 12, 2017 17:51 Hot Recent News

    Due to forest fires in the extreme northwest of Sicily, nine hundred people were to be evacuated by a tourist village on the coast, Calampiso, on Wednesday. Italian media reported that tourists had taken a boat by boat to the larger San Vito Lo Capo and were taken to school buildings.

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