• Korea \u0026 # x27; s talking about family reunion in August

    Korea \u0026 # x27; s talking about family reunion in August

    seoul June 22, 2018 05:54 Hot Recent News

    North and South Korea talked Friday about a reunion on August 15 for people who have family on the other side of the border. The conversation is a result of agreements made by the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and the South Korean president Moon Jae-in. The Red Cross took the initiative for the meeting in North Korea.

  • Sailor spent seven months with his cat on the ocean

    la reunion December 27, 2017 14:48 Hot Recent News

    During the Christmas season, a 54-year-old Polish sailor, who has been adrift for seven months, was rescued from the Indian Ocean. According to VTM News, the man was spotted by a sailor near the French island of La RĂ©union.

  • Malaysia still wants to search for MH370

    kuala lumpur October 19, 2017 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Malaysia wants to look for the missing device of Malaysia Airlines again. Flight MH370 disappeared more than three years ago in the south of the Indian Ocean, heading to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, with 239 people aboard. The search was stopped earlier this year.

  • Machtship Bin Laden Jr.

    Machtship Bin Laden Jr.

    tel aviv September 11, 2017 06:54 Hot Recent News

    The 'crown prince of the jihad' is ready to take over the bloody throne of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Hamza bin Laden, Osama's favorite son, works in shadow on a reunion of Al Qaeda and Islamic State. According to him, the focus of muslim extremists must be back to deadly attacks on the West just sixteen years after '11 September '.

  • German school girl (16) arrested in Mosul
    0 Comment 175

    German school girl (16) arrested in Mosul

    mosoel July 18, 2017 13:30 Hot Recent News

    The 16-year-old German scholar Linda W., who traveled to IS area last year, was recently arrested in Mosul. The girl would be part of a group of twenty female warriors from the Islamic State terrorist group. That is what the German newspaper Die Welt reports.

  • Quest discontinued in ocean to MH370

    sydney January 17, 2017 09:15 Hot Recent News

    The search in the Indian Ocean for the missing MH370 device is discontinued without a trace has been found of the plane that disappeared in 2014. Which have let the three countries involved in the study Tuesday in a statement.

  • Wreck piece Mauritius is MH370
    0 Comment 238

    Wreck piece Mauritius is MH370

    sydney October 7, 2016 14:45 Hot Recent News

    A wreck piece that washed up on the island of Mauritius has been a part of flight MH370, the plane disappeared from Malaysia Airlines. Which has declared the Australian government Friday.

  • Search MH370 suspended

    Search MH370 suspended

    July 22, 2016 09:15 Hot Recent News

    The search for Flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines will be suspended if the plane is not found in the current search area. That the Ministers of Transport of Malaysia, China and Australia Friday it known to relatives.

  • Search MH370 end in sight

    Search MH370 end in sight

    canberra July 20, 2016 11:15 Hot Recent News

    The search for the missing flight MH370 may be terminated soon. That Australian media reported Wednesday. Three countries involved in the search, Friday in Malaysia meet to discuss the progress of the project.

  • Possible debris MH370 found in Tanzania
    0 Comment 141

    Possible debris MH370 found in Tanzania

    June 25, 2016 09:54 Hot Recent News

    In Tanzania, a new debris washed ashore which may have come from the missing flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines. It is a big part, but,, only confirmed that a Boeing 777, we will send a team to investigate whether the MH370 is, '' said Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai at the Malaysian news agency Bernama.

  • Rough seas slows search for MH370

    Rough seas slows search for MH370

    sydney June 22, 2016 10:30 Hot Recent News

    Rough seas and strong winds have the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean slowed considerably. The search for one of the greatest mysteries in aviation concerns continue until August, investigators said Wednesday. Initially sought until mid this year to the missing plane.

  • Father raped daughter at reunion after 20 years
    0 Comment 115

    Father raped daughter at reunion after 20 years

    melbourne February 9, 2016 20:56 Hot Recent News

    A man holding his daughter had not seen since its birth 20 years ago, raped her at their reunion in 2014. The woman had found her father after a long search and invited home, even though she knew he had been in prison because of several violent crimes.

  • Sonar sinks to search for MH370

    Sonar sinks to search for MH370

    sydney January 25, 2016 10:07 Hot Recent News

    In the search for the plane flight MH370 that went missing nearly two years ago, Sunday sunk a sonar device. The device was equipped with a tow rope attached to one of the vessels is being used for the search. The cable broke in that it came into contact with a volcano mud on the seabed, made the international search team JACC Sunday known.

  • Passengers governing dud French plane

    Passengers governing dud French plane

    December 21, 2015 13:28 Hot Recent News

    Two passengers of the Air France plane that Sunday had to make an emergency landing in Kenya because of the discovery of a fake bomb Monday morning after his return in custody in Paris. This was reported by the French newspaper Le Parisien.

  • Voice IS- caller recognized
    0 Comment 100

    Voice IS- caller recognized

    November 18, 2015 11:19 Hot Recent News

    The man who on behalf terror group Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for the bloody attacks Friday in Paris, the 35-year-old Fabien Clain. The French intelligence services have recognized his voice reported the French newspaper Libération Tuesday. Fabien Clain is originally from Reunion Island and would now be in Syria.

  • South Korea shoot boat from North Korea

    South Korea shoot boat from North Korea

    seoul October 25, 2015 14:06 Hot Recent News

    The South Korean navy has fired on a patrol boat from North Korea. The boat was in South Korean waters arrived and answered with five shots with a machine gun, the South Korean news agency Yonhap writes Sunday. The boat was Saturday on the disputed border in the Yellow Sea.

  • South Koreans see family in North Korea

    South Koreans see family in North Korea

    October 20, 2015 12:50 Hot Recent News

    South Koreans since the Korean War (1950-1953) living apart from family members in North Korea, which may see the same again . Four hundred South Koreans were waiting Tuesday at the North Korean resort of Mount Kumgang at the first meetings , which take place until Thursday . Reported that the South Korean news agency Yonhap .

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