• Dutchman killed in German traffic jam

    Dutchman killed in German traffic jam

    munster May 9, 2018 20:39 Hot Recent News

    A 31-year-old Dutchman was killed by an accident on a German highway on Wednesday. The man saw too late that there was a traffic jam and could not brake on time. He rammed a truck and got trapped in his car. He died on the spot.

  • Bullet rain in children's bikes

    Bullet rain in children's bikes

    enschede September 26, 2017 20:36 Hot Recent News

    Heavy statues from Enschede, which was thrown on the front of a house on Tuesday with an automatic weapon on Tuesday. Of the incident, which did not involve wounds, his surveillance images appeared.

  • Died Enschedese 'famous appearance'

    Died Enschedese 'famous appearance'

    enschede August 28, 2017 14:00 Hot Recent News

    Great defeat among members of the popular dance school Rico Latino in Enschede. The woman who was found lifeless in a house on Tubantiastraat in Enschede on Sunday afternoon shows 40-year-old Sarah Kolenberg.

  • Dimmed Hamburg scared of riots

    Dimmed Hamburg scared of riots

    hamburg July 6, 2017 16:24 Hot Recent News

    Half Hamburg is kicked off for the G20 summit, which will start officially only tomorrow. But tonight the proud harbor city is already expecting heavy riots at the extreme-left demonstration 'Welcome to hell'. Shops are clogged, people flee the city massively.

  • Pilot traumaheli plagued by laser

    Pilot traumaheli plagued by laser

    enschede June 12, 2017 13:45 Hot Recent News

    On leaving this weekend in Enschede the pilot of a traumaheli, who rushed to a hospital with a patient, was wearing a laser pen. The steering officer had to mute the landing lights to pursue the flight undisturbed.

  • Dutch algorithm detects hack Twitter
    0 Comment 103

    Dutch algorithm detects hack Twitter

    enschede May 1, 2017 12:12 Hot Recent News

    An algorithm developed by Dutch students is able to detect hacked Twitter accounts. Computable writes that the student, Meike Nauta, has defined six properties that determine a score. In 99 percent of the cases, it is determined by the score that a tweet has not been sent by the owner of the Twitter account.

  • Porn counting during voting
    0 Comment 195

    Porn counting during voting

    enschede March 16, 2017 09:24 Hot Recent News

    'The result here is not yet known,' twittered Thijs Fiselier Wednesday during the vote count in Enschede. Upon seeing attached picture will be very few focus their eyes on the vote counters. A scene in the background attracted quite the attention.

  • What stiffly, but smart

    What stiffly, but smart

    enschede December 15, 2016 08:27 Hot Recent News

    Ultimately, it is the intention that they will beat the human being. But for now it is still science fiction. 'Because it is especially difficult for robots to make natural movements,' said Ewoud Croll, captain of the RoboTeam Twente that football wants a shot at eternal fame during the World Cup for robots in Japan next year.

  • App helps doctor

    App helps doctor

    enschede December 13, 2016 09:12 Hot Recent News

    The hospital Medisch Spectrum Twente comes with a specially developed app care about the cartoon character Obbe young bowel patients' digitally preparing a recording or surgery. Hospitals throughout the country following the experiment closely.

  • Suit with sensors can help in rehabilitation

    Suit with sensors can help in rehabilitation

    enschede November 30, 2016 08:36 Hot Recent News

    People recovering from a stroke may soon likely to take advantage of a suit (41) sensors and the ability to store and transmit data. Bart Klaassen developed the suit together with an international team and promoted it Wednesday at the University of Twente.

  • A drone job

    A drone job

    enschede November 28, 2016 08:54 Hot Recent News

    They want it all to be well; drone pilot. At the ROC van Twente can MBO from next school year following the electives drone technology and drone use.

  • App 'drunkards'

    App 'drunkards'

    enschede November 10, 2016 15:48 Hot Recent News

    An app that people child's releases of their drinking problem. Scientists from the Universities of Twente and Amsterdam, Tactus Addiction and Saxion University of Applied Sciences have developed a. It seems just a matter of swiping.

  • Youth in hospital by WhatsApp

    Youth in hospital by WhatsApp

    enschede November 1, 2016 10:09 Hot Recent News

    Young people get severe symptoms that they even continue to use social media in bed. Twente develop at least 200 young people per year sleeping problems, estimate two neurologists in Tubantia. 'These are only the boys and girls in our consulting rooms. They are aware of the symptoms. In reality, faces a much larger group of this, 'said Iris Knottnerus and Loes Reichman.

  • Blacklist doctors promising '

    Blacklist doctors promising '

    June 28, 2016 09:39 Hot Recent News

    Minister Edith Schippers (Health) calls the first experiences with the European blacklist of doctors who can no longer do their work in their own country promising. Since January, there were more than 3,700 reports from twelve European countries.

  • Plane spookrijder on German highway

    Plane spookrijder on German highway

    June 13, 2016 18:33 Hot Recent News

    Against the direction of a pilot Monday his plane on a German highway to land. The single-engine propeller plane had run into trouble and the pilot remained nothing more than to make an emergency landing on the A2, the police said.

  • Robird awards
    0 Comment 117

    Robird awards

    enschede March 24, 2016 13:23 Hot Recent News

    The robot-Raptor, developed at the University of Twente, during a special festival in Slovenia named the best robot innovation of the past year.

  • Weather sinkhole in Enschede

    Weather sinkhole in Enschede

    enschede March 11, 2016 19:59 Hot Recent News

    a mysterious sinkhole in Enschede emerge for the second time in a very short time. Wednesday made a hole in the Basket Butter Hook neighborhood for a dangerous situation, three days later the asphalt sank into the depths of the industrial Marssteden.

  • Rejected German kills wife and himself

    ahaus February 21, 2016 13:07 Hot Recent News

    Unrequited love was probably the motive for a murder and suicide in the German Ahaus, just over the border at Enschede. See there, according to the police, at least to it. The partner of the 28-year-old woman who had gone Saturday to her looking as she did not come home after work, found his beloved dead in a car. Her alleged killer was dead beside her, German media reported.

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