Surgeons fish coins, bolts, razor blades and chain from stomach Indian

A team of surgeons has made a mind-boggling discovery during the operation of a 35-year-old Indier.

'The patient had complaints about abdominal pain for three months and himself thought he had a food poisoning among the members. We therefore decided to perform an endoscopy ', says doctor Priyank Sharma against India Today. 'We were shocked when we all found coins, nails and nut bolts in his stomach. We had never seen this before. '

In total they removed 1.5 kilograms of bolts, a dozen razor blades, glass splinters, stones and a rusted chain of 15 centimeters from his belly.

According to the doctors, Khan would have been depressed, causing him to become addicted to eating metal objects. Every time the man drove his three-wheeled taxi and got a tip, he ate the coins. Khan would meanwhile have put an end to his remarkable addiction.

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