Police clear: Whoever kills, maybe he will be killed

That the American police is less diplomatic than the Dutch was already known.

The state of Georgia is plagued by violence. According to a recent survey, residents are twice as likely to be shot than people in New York. Sheriff Mike Jolley does not care much about this: again he has caused a fuss with a funny, but at the same time seriously meant welcome sign.

'Our citizens have weapons. If you kill someone, you may also be killed. We have one prison and 356 cemeteries. Have fun! ', See people entering Harris County.

'Georgia is a real Second Amendment state,' Jolley explains to the Washington Post. 'We want people to enjoy it here. At the same time, we want people to be safe. They need to know that they do not have to fear when they come here. '

Earlier Jolley wrote on a similar board: 'WARNING: Harris County is politically incorrect. We say Merry Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust. We bring a salute to our army and our flag. If you bother with this... GO AWAY! '

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