Man dead eight months in home

A grim discovery in a building in Ghent.

The family Urbain had not noticed. In the house police found the food with an expiration date to February 2016.

The man died a natural death. The door of his house was locked. The apartment is sealed on the third floor. The forensic department of the police had to take drastic measures to deal with the pervasive smell. The windows are wide open. The cracks of the door are taped around with thick tape.

'In addition to his bulging mailbox there was no indication that anything was wrong,' says the manager of the residence at Het Nieuwsblad. 'That man was known as a loner, was always very quiet and never caused problems. In addition, an automatic transfer made sure that his rent was also paid on time after his death. '

One of the man upstairs neighbor the grim fact came to the track. She wanted to install a new boiler, and to lay pipes, she needed permission from the man. When she could not contact, she retired in the police.

The man has two sons, with whom he has a 'blurred' relationship had been under Belgian newspaper for years.