English zoo breeds with special wolf spiders

An English zoo is sure to raise first laid a special wolf spider.

An employee of the zoo spent more than ten of the brown, hairy spiders with after a trip to Montserrat in 2013 to study the animal. The breeding program was a race against time, because the males of these species only 2.5 years of life. The females live longer, but they tend to see the males as prey rather than as a mating partner.,, We walk sweat properly, '' said a researcher at the BBC.

Three matings were successful, but the females disappeared.,, They dig a hole in the ground and disappear. You have to wait months to see what happens. '' Then suddenly dozens of spiders came up, breeding proved successful.
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So far only had a description of the male Montserrat tarantula known of a spider who came a century ago. The new recruits the female can also be studied.