Dutch supply Samsung Note 7 continues

Samsung continues its launch of the potentially incendiary Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in the Netherlands by Monday.

The South Korean electronics giant made known shortly before the production of its most expensive smartphone 'adjust' because of the ongoing investigation into new problems with the device. Sunday appeared all messages that Samsung would temporarily halt production of its flagship.

Shortly after the launch of the Note 7 in different countries emerged stories of spontaneously igniting or exploding copies. Several people were injured. Samsung decided millions of devices to exchange. Now being made in various media reported seven swap devices also caught fire.

Include two major telephone service providers in the United States are a result of problems with the swap devices stopped selling. Customers who already have a Note 7 may have to exchange it for a different device.

The Note 7 is moreover not the most important model for Samsung. It is one of the newest models with all the latest features, but the flagship of the manufacturer, the Samsung Galaxy 7 series, which comes in two sizes. In addition, Samsung also deserves a lot of all sorts of other, cheaper models.