American policeman shoots dead black man

An American policeman has an African-American man shot dead close to the state of Louisiana.

The man who was slain is the American Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old CD vendor. Research has shown that for Sterling was killed by multiple gunshot wounds to his chest and back. The shooting took place in the night of Monday to Tuesday rather than in front of a small grocery store in Baton Rouge.

Runners had come on a message from someone who said Sterling, CDs sold in the parking lot, had a gun at someone. According to the owner of the supermarket Sterling had when he was restrained, his hand in his pocket and he was holding a gun. 'As he lay dying, the agent fished his weapon from his pocket. '
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Although the victim was armed, Sterling made no move to use his weapon. Also on the photos you can see that the man can barely move.

It seems that it is the umpteenth time that US agents have a black suspect killed unnecessarily. At various places in the country, people took to the streets to demonstrate against the continuing police violence.