Albanians are now flying to England

England raises alarms about Albanians fleeing from the Netherlands, among other things, in tiny airplanes.

In the past, at least three pilots have been caught. For example, in an 8-person plane, no less than fourteen Albanians were crammed. Among them three children.

The passengers paid over a thousand euros each, the Sun writes.

Justice in England is currently monitoring 30 small landing lanes in the south-east.

The flow is increasing since the controls in Calais have been further expanded. Illegal lifting of lorries is now virtually impossible.

Albanians prefer to pay a thousand euros with the 'guarantee' that they land in England than to wait weeks for a chance to jump on a truck.

Apart from the Netherlands, there are also flags from Belgium, Germany and France.

Recently, two British pilots attempted to rise from Calais airport, sentenced to thirty months of cell.