• Ecuador stops mediation for Assange

    Ecuador stops mediation for Assange

    quito October 24, 2018 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Ecuador will no longer mediate with the British government in favor of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has spent six years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. 'We are neither Mr. Assange's lawyers nor representatives of the British government,' Foreign Minister José Valencia told Reuters on Tuesday. 'Ecuador has no responsibility whatsoever to take further steps.'

  • Brussels for migrants on Aquarius

    Brussels for migrants on Aquarius

    brussels August 13, 2018 16:00 Hot Recent News

    In Brussels, a solution is being worked behind the scenes for the refugees aboard the rescue ship Aquarius. According to a spokeswoman for the European Commission, the EU administration is 'in contact with a number of member states' that the committee 'approached' about the matter. She did not want to say which countries are involved.

  • Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    rome August 10, 2018 22:12 Hot Recent News

    After halting for weeks, the ship Aquarius has rescued 141 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean. About 25 nautical miles from the coast of Libya, 25 migrants were first taken from a small wooden boat. In the same area the crew of the Aquarius later took another 116 people on board.

  • France takes in 78 refugees Aquarius

    France takes in 78 refugees Aquarius

    paris July 12, 2018 18:39 Hot Recent News

    France has decided to include 78 refugees who were on the rescue ship Aquarius. That was what the French Ministry of Home Affairs announced. The ship brought the refugees to the Spanish Valencia at the beginning of this month, after it had been refused by Italy.

  • First migrant boat arrived in Valencia

    First migrant boat arrived in Valencia

    valencia June 17, 2018 06:36 Hot Recent News

    A ship of the Italian coast guard arrived on Sunday morning just before 7 am in the Spanish port city of Valencia. On board are 274 migrants who were rescued from the Mediterranean a week ago by the crew of the rescue ship Aquarius.

  • Italy and France argue about Aquarius

    Italy and France argue about Aquarius

    rome June 12, 2018 19:00 Hot Recent News

    The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has reacted angrily to the French criticism of the way his government deals with rescue ship Aquarius. The recently appointed Italian head of government blamed Paris hypocrisy.

  • American navy ship picks up refugees

    American navy ship picks up refugees

    rome June 12, 2018 16:45 Hot Recent News

    An American naval ship has rescued 41 refugees from a sinking dinghy off the coast of Libya. For twelve passengers, the help came too late. Their bodies are salvaged. This was reported by the German aid organization Sea Watch with which the captain of the USS Trenton contacted the radio for assistance.

  • Boat with migrants may moor in Spain

    Boat with migrants may moor in Spain

    madrid June 11, 2018 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The rescue ship Aquarius, which has more than six hundred migrants on board, is allowed to moor in the Spanish city of Valencia. That is what Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announces, Spanish media reports.

  • Man (79) arrested for offering rare cat's head

    Man (79) arrested for offering rare cat's head

    madrid March 15, 2018 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish police arrested a man in Valencia who offered the head of an Iberian lynx for sale on the internet. The Iberian lynx is one of the rarest felines in the world. According to the Spanish news agency Europa Press, the 79-year-old man asked 400 euros for the head.

  • Military insurgency in Venezuela failed

    Military insurgency in Venezuela failed

    valencia August 6, 2017 14:30 Hot Recent News

    The Venezuelan government has held a military uprising in the center of the Venezuelan city of Valencia on Sunday. Twenty-one commanders led by an old captain tried to oppose the government of President Nicolás Maduro. The uprising failed.

  • Rajoy does not know anything about corrupt network

    Rajoy does not know anything about corrupt network

    madrid July 26, 2017 10:18 Hot Recent News

    Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stressed Wednesday in a court hearing not to know anything about tampering with money by party mates. Rajoy has witnessed a trial on large-scale corruption and fraud in the regions of Madrid and Valencia, where members of his People's Party (PP) would have been involved. The PP campaign box would have benefited from the creation of malversations.

  • Another protester died in Venezuela

    Another protester died in Venezuela

    caracas May 6, 2017 06:24 Hot Recent News

    A Venezuelan protester died on Friday (local time) after shooting a day earlier in his head. That happened during the fighting between security forces and demonstrators in the city of Valencia, the authorities reported.

  • Spanish police find drugs in fake bananas
    0 Comment 250

    Spanish police find drugs in fake bananas

    valencia/melaga March 26, 2017 16:42 Hot Recent News

    Spanish police and tax authorities found 17 kilos of cocaine intercepted who was hidden among bunches of bananas. The drugs were packaged in counterfeit banana peels and flaps of the cardboard boxes in which they were transported. Two men were arrested Sunday, the police said. In a third suspect under investigation.

  • 'Heavier punishment Urdangarin'

    'Heavier punishment Urdangarin'

    barcelona February 24, 2017 11:15 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish public prosecutor will appeal four to eight years imprisonment additional claims against Inaki Urdangarin, the brother of the Spanish king. Also against the former partner Diego Torres demanded a more severe penalty.

  • Snow blocks roads Spain
    0 Comment 125

    Snow blocks roads Spain

    valencia January 20, 2017 10:45 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of people in eastern Spain by extreme winter weather with their vehicles stuck in snow and ice. Spanish media reported that just forced into the Community of Valencia 1600 cars were stopping on roads made impassable by snow. Some were from Thursday afternoon to Friday morning in the snow.

  • 12,000 illegal weapons were found in Spain

    12,000 illegal weapons were found in Spain

    barcelona January 16, 2017 08:03 Hot Recent News

    European police investigation in Spain has given an enormous godsend to illicit arms trafficking, Spanish media report Monday. The police confiscated 12,000 weapons seized, including weapons ' a plane could take down '. The estimated value of the find on the black market is about 10 million.

  • Third dead storm Costas

    murcia December 19, 2016 13:03 Hot Recent News

    The storm on Spain's east coast has claimed a third victim. The forty-year man died in Los Alcázares in Murcia, one of the hardest hit areas Monday.

  • Spanish 'agents' that tourists robbed solid

    Spanish 'agents' that tourists robbed solid

    barcelona December 7, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    Spanish police have broken up a gang that had specialized in robbing tourists. The criminals posed as agents. They kept their victims standing and for example asked for identification or told to investigate stolen money, jewelry and other valuables. Then they robbed the tourists of exactly that kind of stuff.

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