Premier Catalonia: Result referendum binding

Premier Catalonia: Result referendum binding

World October 2, 2017 15:00

barcelona - The outcome of the referendum on Independence of Catalonia Sunday is valid and binding. That says Catalan Prime Minister Carles Puigdemont. He also announced a special commission to investigate Spanish police violence. On the day of the poll, nearly nine hundred injured have fallen.

Spain had forbidden the referendum, but more than 2.2 million Catalans went to the polls. Thousands of Spanish police officers were deployed to prevent voting, and that went out of hand in many places. In particular, agents of the National Guardia Civil were deployed to frustrate the poll.

Ultimately, 90 percent voted for independence.

The national government and the highest judge had forbidden the referendum, but more than 2.2 million Catalans went to the polls. Thousands of Spanish police officers were deployed to prevent voting, and that went out of hand in many places. In particular, agents of the National Guardia Civil were deployed to frustrate the poll.

Ultimately, 90 percent voted for independence.

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