• Artificial arms of Lego
    0 Comment 112

    Artificial arms of Lego

    amsterdam February 8, 2019 05:00 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish David Aguilar has made his own artificial arm, from Lego. The 19-year-old bioengineering student at the University of Barcelona was born without a right forearm due to a...

  • Catholic church bows for Franco

    Catholic church bows for Franco

    barcelona January 5, 2019 05:32 Hot Recent News

    The left-wing Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez wants to go down in history as the man who had former dictator Franco excavated from the monumental mausoleum in the Valley of the Fallen, at 50 kilometers...

  • Spanish cabinet meeting in Barcelona

    Spanish cabinet meeting in Barcelona

    barcelona December 21, 2018 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish cabinet of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez meets in the Catalan capital of Barcelona. It is the second time that the Spanish government is meeting there and the fifteenth time since 1975 that the...

  • 'Not enough police for tourists Barcelona'

    'Not enough police for tourists Barcelona'

    barcelona November 21, 2018 17:16 Hot Recent News

    Policemen have handed out brochures to tourists at the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona on Wednesday to make it clear that they have too little manpower to guarantee the safety of the city's visitors. The folders contain tips for tourists to prevent the theft of their property.

  • Spanish police: prevent premature murder

    Spanish police: prevent premature murder

    madrid November 8, 2018 11:32 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish police have, in their own words, prevented an assassination attempt against Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. The police in Catalonia announced Thursday that the suspect is a 63-year-old man. He would have wanted to kill the 46-year-old socialist prime minister because the government has plans to move the body of former dictator Franco, who died in 1975. His remains are in a large mausoleum near Madrid.

  • Migrant flow via Morocco

    Migrant flow via Morocco

    barcelona October 24, 2018 05:00 Hot Recent News

    The German intelligence service warns, according to the German newspaper Bild, in a secret report for a new migrant flow from Morocco to European territory, via Spain. German experts warn that the new generation of 'boza' ('victory') would cost anything to land in Europe.

  • Demonstration Barcelona for independence

    Demonstration Barcelona for independence

    barcelona October 2, 2018 02:48 Hot Recent News

    Catalans marched massively on Monday evening in Barcelona to underline that separatism is still alive in Catalonia. The police estimated the turnout to 180,000 people according to Spanish media. The largest banner read: 'Self-determination is a human right.'

  • Separatists block traffic in Catalonia

    Separatists block traffic in Catalonia

    barcelona October 1, 2018 08:32 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of Catalan separatists have blocked traffic arteries in several places, including the track of the high-speed train AVE in Gerona. In Barcelona, ​​among others, the central Via Laietana is blocked. A railway is also blocked at Tarragona.

  • Riots in protests Catalan separatists

    Riots in protests Catalan separatists

    barcelona September 29, 2018 16:48 Hot Recent News

    Two days before the anniversary of the illegal Catalan independence referendum, riots broke out in Barcelona. Separatist demonstrators got into trouble with the Catalan police when they were on their way to a protest march of the national police and Guardia Civil, elsewhere in the city center.

  • Former Prime Minister France wants to become mayor of Barcelona

    Former Prime Minister France wants to become mayor of Barcelona

    barcelona September 25, 2018 23:48 Hot Recent News

    The ex-premier of France Manuel Valls wants to succeed his left-wing kindred spirit Ada Colau as mayor of Barcelona. The 56-year-old socialist spoke out this ambition at a press conference Tuesday, first in Catalan and then in Spanish. There has been speculation about his candidacy for months. The election is on May 26, 2019.

  • Puigdemont takes revenge on judge

    Puigdemont takes revenge on judge

    barcelona September 1, 2018 04:48 Hot Recent News

    The defense of Judge Pablo Llarena of the Supreme Court before the Belgian court costs the Spanish state more than half a million euros. The former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont sues him in a civil case. Puigdemont accuses Llarena of 'bias' and violating his personal rights.

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