Injured in explosion electronic smokeables
November 1, 2016 14:06
toulouse - A man in Toulouse severe burns suffered by the explosion of the battery of his electronic cigarette. The thing exploded with a huge bang and synthetic clothing caught fire. French media reported Tuesday that the incident took place last weekend at a nightclub.
The explosion was filmed by security cameras at the nightspot where the victim is manager. He was unable to take off his burning jacket and threw the burning battery away. Bystanders helped to extinguish the fire. The man with second- and third-degree burns to the abdomen, back and fingers included in the burn unit of the University Hospital of Toulouse.
It is unclear why the battery exploded due to friction with money or keys. According to La Depeche du Midi is not the incident first for the city. In September, hit a man seriously injured after his electronic smoking materials in his car was detonated. Possible go see both victims of Toulouse or they can submit claims together somewhere.
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