'Does a woman wear revealing clothes? Then you can rape her

World November 3, 2017 10:06

cairo - https://www.telegraaf.nl/images/900x600/filters:format(jpeg):quality(80)/cdn-kiosk-api.telegraaf.nl/f3d167e2-c07d-11e7-8180-1dfd8013523a.png

Al-Wahsh made the verdict earlier this month in a television program that featured a law on prostitution in Egypt. 'Do you find it acceptable that a woman walks in clothes watching a piece of her car?' Asked the counselor. 'If a girl is so addicted, her harassment is a patriotic duty and her raped a national duty. '

The Egyptian National Women's Council is furious and has filed a complaint against the man. The television channel must also be denied, because the producers gave the man a platform. Al-Wahsh's accounts on social media are flooded with furious messages.

The counselor himself in the meantime tries as well and harmfully as to reclaim his words. 'I simply meant that stricter penalties should be imposed on assault, and so on. But girls must respect themselves too, 'said Al-Wahsh.

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