BlackBerry adds purchases together

BlackBerry adds purchases together

Tech December 9, 2016 09:06

waterloo - BlackBerry, which has bought a lot of businesses in recent years, adding those purchases together now. BlackBerry does not smartphones, but wants to earn his money as security of the Internet of Things.

The Canadian company mentions that BlackBerry Secure. According to BlackBerry, there are only two billion smart devices already in business. In 2020 this will have risen to 7.3 billion.

In recent years, BlackBerry purchased include Watchdox where people can securely share documents. Watchdox called for language BlackBerry Workspaces. Good Dynamics, where mobile apps can be developed, is BlackBerry Dynamics. Strong Authentication, which people can log in quickly with two factor authentication is BlackBerry 2FA. Under the new umbrella also includes a purchase as ATHOC, where organizations can send emergency messages to mobile phones.

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