• 'Suspect case-Khashoggi from prince circles'

    'Suspect case-Khashoggi from prince circles'

    washington October 17, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    A number of suspects identified by Turkey in the case of the missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi comes from the immediate surroundings of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The New York Times writes this on the basis of facial recognition, social network profiles, media reports and leaked Saudi government documents.

  • Trump wants 'extensive and fast' research into Kavanaugh

    Trump wants 'extensive and fast' research into Kavanaugh

    washington October 2, 2018 03:00 Hot Recent News

    President Donald Trump has insisted on an 'extensive and rapid' investigation into the accusations against his intended chief judge Brett Kavanaugh. However, he does not want a 'witch hunt' under any circumstances. Trump told White House lawyer Don McGahn to have instructed the FBI's agents to give them a free hand to question any witness who thinks fit.

  • Historic Apple PC under the hammer
    0 Comment 134

    Historic Apple PC under the hammer

    boston August 27, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    One of the first computers that Apple has ever made is auctioned. The device still works, says auction house RR Auction, which hopes for an amount of 300,000 dollars, almost 260,000 euros. The buyer receives, among other things, the original motherboard, without modifications, and an authentic manual.

  • Newspapers US speak out against Trump

    Newspapers US speak out against Trump

    boston August 16, 2018 05:48 Hot Recent News

    More than three hundred newspapers in the United States have promised to speak out on Thursday for the freedom of the press. With this they respond to President Donald Trump, who has named several media companies 'enemies of the American people'.

  • Elderly Mafia boss guilty of murder

    Elderly Mafia boss guilty of murder

    boston June 22, 2018 22:36 Hot Recent News

    A federal jury in Boston considers an elderly ex-Mafia boss of the Cosa Nostra in New England guilty of the murder of a nightclub owner in 1993. The body was buried in Rhode Island and discovered only two years ago.

  • Bodies found after rescue kidnapped woman

    Bodies found after rescue kidnapped woman

    boston June 2, 2018 18:30 Hot Recent News

    The American police made a morbid discovery after a kidnapped woman was accidentally rescued from a car. The authorities discovered three bodies at the home of the motorist in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the past few days, reports US media.

  • Vermont wants to put tourists to work

    Vermont wants to put tourists to work

    montpelier April 20, 2018 21:21 Hot Recent News

    The northeastern American state Vermont is pleased with the approximately 13 million tourists a year who come to enjoy nature, among other things. But the authorities also want to show them this summer that they have to work and that more people are needed.

  • Hundreds of thousands on the streets against weapons

    Hundreds of thousands on the streets against weapons

    washington/parkland March 24, 2018 16:48 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are on the clock in the US to demonstrate against the barely controlled distribution of firearms in the country. The mass protests follow a shooting in a high school in Florida, where 14 February an ex-student with a semi-automatic weapon shot seventeen people.

  • Investigation into abuse of Facebook data

    Investigation into abuse of Facebook data

    boston March 17, 2018 21:51 Hot Recent News

    The Massachusetts authorities are starting an investigation into the use of private information from tens of millions of Facebook users. The Cambridge Analytica data company would have used the data to make profiles of American voters, messages The New York Times and The Observer.

  • Billionaire buys Los Angeles Times

    Billionaire buys Los Angeles Times

    los angeles (anp/bloomberg) February 7, 2018 16:15 Hot Recent News

    The American newspaper Los Angeles Times is owned by billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong. This amounts to half a billion dollars in cash for his new purchase and thus also acquires sister newspaper San Diego Union-Tribune and some smaller titles.

  • Sea of ​​ice balls in bad cold USA

    lake michigan January 9, 2018 11:51 Hot Recent News

    A special natural phenomenon in the harsh cold in the United States: the beaches of Lake Michigan are flooded with millions of ice balls. The scene produces beautiful images.

  • New accusation Dr Phil: Airtime in exchange for buying treatment program

    December 30, 2017 04:45 Hot Recent News

    Dr. Phil has been under fire since Thursday because he would have helped addicted guests to alcohol and drugs. Now, according to a shocking research report, he concluded deals with clinics: in exchange for taking a treatment program developed by him, he would mention their name in the show. This news also comes out via STAT and The Boston Globe, who did research together on the show.

  • Stepped cardinal from Boston died

    rome December 20, 2017 06:15 Hot Recent News

    Cardinal Bernard Law, who had to retire at the end of 2002 as Archbishop of Boston after a major abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, died on Monday at the age of 86.

  • Judge gives IS sympathizer 28 years in prison

    boston December 19, 2017 21:45 Hot Recent News

    An American judge sentenced IS sympathizer David Wright of Massachusetts to 28 years in prison for conspiring with Islamic terrorists. The 28-year-old man would have played a role in preparing for an attack on the police in 2015.

  • Professor: Jingle Bells has racist roots

    amsterdam December 16, 2017 18:54 Hot Recent News

    An American professor has aroused the anger of many Americans as her research on the song 'Jingle Bells' roams the internet. The song would be the first to be sung by white singers who turned their faces dark.

  • Journalists boycott Disney movies

    November 7, 2017 19:09 Hot Recent News

    Journalists and critics boycott Walt Disney films in solidarity with the Los Angeles Times. The LA Times, according to Disney, did not comply with 'basic journalistic values' and therefore the newspaper is now being spelled by the Micky Mouse company.

  • Half-smoked cigar Churchill worth gold

    Half-smoked cigar Churchill worth gold

    boston October 13, 2017 15:30 Hot Recent News

    A half-smoked cigar from former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill has spent more than 10,000 euros on an online auction in the US. The 10 centimeter cigar stump copper was a collector from Palm Beach (Florida).

  • Photos hotel room Las Vegas leaked

    Photos hotel room Las Vegas leaked

    las vegas October 9, 2017 00:13 Hot Recent News

    UPDATE 10.28 PM- US media shared photos showing the hotel room of massacre Stephen Paddock (64). On one of the images the shooter can be seen. He lies on the ground between weapons. On the table it seems like a letter and a pen. Whether Paddock has left a message is not clear.

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