YouTube knew 8 million videos in 3 months

YouTube has removed more than eight million movies worldwide in the last three months of 2017.

YouTube has used more artificial intelligence in recent months to track down bad movies. Approximately 6.7 million deleted videos were found by such smart systems, and not by people. And of those 6.7 million movies, three-quarters were already deleted before anyone could see them.

YouTube also removes videos that call people to violent extremism, such as jihadism. More than half of all those films were viewed less than ten times when they were erased. At the start of 2017, this was true for only 8 percent of all those films.

The video service, a subsidiary of Google, wants to publish every quarter how much is being removed. YouTube also wants to keep track of how many comments have been removed under movies and how long it took for something to be removed. Users will soon be able to see what YouTube has done with videos they've signed up.

YouTube has more than one billion users. They upload more than 400 hours of material every minute. It is not known how many videos are online in total.

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