Fear of increase hostage phones

Several specialists in a large increase in hostage mobile phones cybersecurity fear next year.

Albert Kramer of Internet security firm Trend Micro says that hackers are getting smarter. '' They can not just break into your and my PC, but actually in the systems of a supplier. In this whole process of creating the software, creating the phone, they are actually smart to inject their code into the manufacturing process. ''

According to Kramer, there is already talk of an increase in the use of malicious software to make people their money. Thus, criminals send emails containing a link that can infect a PC with ransomware.

attractive target

Ransomware is beginning by now better known to be, so are cyber criminals looking for new methods, according to Kramer. '' A phone is an attractive target. Everyone uses a phone. So if you can infect and that can hijack or it can steal data from, such as credit card data, it is a very attractive target. ''

Through all infect phones from the beginning, cybercriminals can in a very simple way devices with malicious software. '' Then you have actually owned something very powerful. The moment a user detects a virus and decides to reinstall the device, it will remain virus present. ''\n  \n  \n   advertisement

Cheaper devices are often less secure, says Kramer. '' Companies that more are on the bottom of the market, also look less at the security, because there has to be produced quickly and cheaply. And that often comes at the expense of security. ''