Day of truth for Kavanaugh and Rosenstein

It is the day of truth for two prominent men in President Trumps entourage.

Rosenstein is expected at the White House in the afternoon. On Monday there was a great lack of clarity about Rosenstein's future when various sources in the White House reported that the under-minister would be dismissed, or would resign himself. A departure from Rosenstein could have major consequences for the Russian investigation by FBI researcher Robert Mueller. Trump could replace Rosenstein with someone who, like Trump, wants to put a stop behind that research.

A little further is the hearing of Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford. She says that Kavanaugh tried to rape her in a drunken mood during a party. Ford was then 15, Kavanaugh 17. Meanwhile, several women have reported similar stories. Kavanaugh denies all accusations. He says he was 'not perfect' in his younger years, but the incident with Ford would never have happened.

The hearing is public and will become a true media circus. Tomorrow morning there will be a vote about the appointment of Kavanaugh as Chief Judge.