Airline tarts by speech

Airborne Alan Joyce of Qantas, a large society, is tortured during a speech in Australia on Tuesday.

Joyce had just begun his chat when he was approached from the side and the lemon meringue cake got straight into his face pushed by an older man. The motif of the pie cake is still unclear. After the incident, the attendants wondered what Joyce might have on his stick.

Joyce responded lightly to the cake incident. 'If you've been an aviation company for nine years now, it's something that matters. This is different, but not unusual. '

In the last few months, more aviation bazaars came close. For example, United Airlines's boss suffered severely after a man had been dragged out of a device with a lot of violence and had to go to Delta through the dust after a complete California family was taken off an airplane.

Joyce had just begun his chat when he was approached from the side and the lemon meringue cake got straight into his face pushed by an older man. The motif of the pie cake is still unclear. After the incident, the attendants wondered what Joyce might have on his stick.

Joyce responded lightly to the cake incident. 'If you've been an aviation company for nine years now, it's something that matters. This is different, but not unusual. '

In the last few months, more aviation bazaars came close. For example, United Airlines's boss suffered severely after a man had been dragged out of a device with a lot of violence and had to go to Delta through the dust after a complete California family was taken off an airplane.