• Russia targets arrows on OPCW

    Russia targets arrows on OPCW

    moscow April 20, 2017 19:39 Hot Recent News

    Russia questions the conclusion of the OPCW, the chemical weapons ban organization, that nerve gas has been used in Syrian Khan Sheikhoun. The Russian Ministry of Defense, according to TASS press office, said OPCW researchers had not traveled to the place of the attack.

  • Again mass graves discovered in Congo

    Again mass graves discovered in Congo

    kinshasa April 20, 2017 06:18 Hot Recent News

    United Nations researchers found 17 new mass graves in the Democratic Republic of Congo. That says Al Jazeera. They were discovered in an area where soldiers of the government army fought with a rebellious militia.

  • Rutte consults with Danish and Irish Prime Minister

    Rutte consults with Danish and Irish Prime Minister

    the hague April 18, 2017 13:12 Hot Recent News

    The leaders of the Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark consultations Friday on the British withdrawal from the European Union (United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum). Prime Minister Mark Rutte will receive the Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen and Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in The Hague.

  • OPCW examines poison gas Syria

    OPCW examines poison gas Syria

    the hague April 13, 2017 13:36 Hot Recent News

    Experts of OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) go to Turkey to gather material for their research on poison gas in northern Syria. This announced the OPCW Thursday.

  • Appeal Geert Wilders begins in October

    Appeal Geert Wilders begins in October

    the hague April 12, 2017 12:00 Hot Recent News

    The appeal in the 'less-Moroccans process' PVV leader Geert Wilders begins in late October. On 24 and 26 October are scheduled hearings are called. Then can be done from either side research needs. On November 9 the court in The Hague takes the decisions about needs and requests. When the trial is scheduled, is not yet clear.

  • Students denounce lack investment

    utrecht April 10, 2017 17:15 Hot Recent News

    Students come in arms against impending cuts in higher education. The student organizations ISO and LSVb feel cheated and have Monday on behalf ' very studying Netherlands' sent an urgent letter to the formative parties VVD, CDA, D66 and GroenLinks. Tuesday they take action at the Hofvijver in The Hague.

  • Trooper discriminates air passenger

    Trooper discriminates air passenger

    the hague April 7, 2017 13:27 Hot Recent News

    The National Ombudsman has the Royal Military Police at Rotterdam The Hague Airport reprimanded for discrimination during checks on passengers. Following a complaint of discrimination agency Radar behalf of a man with a dark complexion who felt discriminated against.

  • 'Russia does not conflict float on the striker '

    'Russia does not conflict float on the striker '

    the hague April 7, 2017 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Russia seems unwilling to drive to the conflict with the United States on Syria at the forefront. The US attack Friday on a Syrian air base may have surprised the Russians, according to the lawyer and analyst Willem Oosterveld of The Hague Center for Strategic Studies.

  • 'Let them send a firing squad '

    'Let them send a firing squad '

    willemstad March 31, 2017 07:57 Hot Recent News

    Seize Netherlands in Curacao or not? That is the question this morning as the National Council of Ministers in The Hague meets to examine the guarantee of free elections on the Caribbean island of April 28th. For days the interim government seemed Pisa's out to sabotage the elections.

  • Few problems Schipholtunnel

    Few problems Schipholtunnel

    the hague March 29, 2017 08:36 Hot Recent News

    The problems with the Schiphol tunnel on Wednesday not ensured in the morning for unusually long traffic jams. Also on the detour routes were no major delays, according to the AA, which concludes that people respond well to the end.

  • No war crimes Simone Gbagbo

    No war crimes Simone Gbagbo

    abidjan March 28, 2017 22:48 Hot Recent News

    Simone Gbagbo, the former first lady of Ivory Coast, was acquitted of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the civil war in 2011, approximately 3,000 people living cost. The judge found no evidence the indictment. This was announced by state television Tuesday.

  • Ravage by Hague carjacker

    Ravage by Hague carjacker

    the hague March 22, 2017 19:09 Hot Recent News

    A 36-year-old confused man Wednesday in The Hague hijacked a car in which sat a woman and child is a few blocks away causing havoc. At the junction of the Loevesteinlaan and Melis Stokelaan he drove at high speed into a parked car, a rail vehicle of public transport company HTM and at traffic lights.

  • Additional year in prison for Jean-Pierre Bemba

    Additional year in prison for Jean-Pierre Bemba

    the hague March 22, 2017 11:03 Hot Recent News

    The former Congolese Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba was Wednesday sentenced by the International Criminal Court ICC in The Hague to one year in prison and a fine of 300,000 euros for bribing witnesses. That happened during the trial, which was conducted against him before the same court for war crimes.

  • GISS and DISS may continue to use data NSA

    GISS and DISS may continue to use data NSA

    the hague March 14, 2017 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) and the Military Intelligence and Security Service (DISS) do not need to check information received from foreign intelligence collected lawfully. With that decision upheld the court in The Hague Tuesday the sentence of the court in 2014.

  • Tormented Erdogan: 'I'm not the boss'

    Tormented Erdogan: 'I'm not the boss'

    amsterdam March 14, 2017 05:03 Hot Recent News

    Turkish President Erdogan responded yesterday when stung by a wasp on the front page of De Telegraaf. '' We're in charge here, 'says Mark Rutte called on the front page. And below a picture of me with a cross! But I'm not the boss. In my country, the people are the boss, you know Rutte. '

  • Again brewing beneath the Lower Turks

    Again brewing beneath the Lower Turks

    amsterdam March 12, 2017 17:24 Hot Recent News

    In the big cities threaten again tonight riots to erupt among Turks. On the Mercatorplein in Amsterdam West has already begun a demonstration. Since young Turks waving flags. Twitter called Turks by referring to 'Rotterdam brothers' on a massive demonstration in The Hague. Venue is the Hobbemaplein in Schilderswijk-Transvaalkwartier, from 19 hours. In Rotterdam, the rest after a night of rioting and violence not guaranteed tonight.

  • Denmark: to postpone Turkish Prime

    Denmark: to postpone Turkish Prime

    copenhagen March 12, 2017 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has proposed to postpone a planned visit of the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim his country. That visit would take place this month, but the diplomatic row between Ankara and The Hague threatens to throw a spanner in the works.

  • Dutch protest over hoist Turkish flag

    Dutch protest over hoist Turkish flag

    the hague March 12, 2017 13:54 Hot Recent News

    Netherlands at the Turkish authorities protested about being on the roof of the Dutch consulate in Istanbul, the Turkish flag was hoisted. 'They have promised to investigate the matter,' said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague Sunday.

  • Erdogan: The Netherlands will pay price

    Erdogan: The Netherlands will pay price

    istanbul March 12, 2017 12:33 Hot Recent News

    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out Sunday back to the Netherlands. If The Hague sacrifices ties with Ankara because of the upcoming parliamentary elections, according to the Turkish leader Netherlands will pay a price for it.

  • Turkish media furious denial

    Turkish media furious denial

    istanbul March 11, 2017 16:12 Hot Recent News

    The Turks are furious over the refusal of the government in The Hague to send their foreign minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu in the Netherlands countries. 'Netherlands is a scandalous decision. She has not given permission ', headlines several Turkish newspapers on their websites, sometimes with a picture of Prime Minister Rutte there. 'The refusal to land the plane was a presumptuous proposal beforehand,' headlines the big Turkish newspaper Hürriyet.

  • StembureauApp following attendance at the foot

    StembureauApp following attendance at the foot

    rotterdam March 9, 2017 16:06 Hot Recent News

    Following pioneer Rotterdam also carry Hague, Utrecht, Groningen and Zoetermeer the forthcoming elections in the StembureauApp. This can be followed the turnout of voters in the polling stations to minute to minute. The turnout can be followed closely via the websites of the municipalities concerned.

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