• Trump cuts into Utah natural parks

    salt lake city December 5, 2017 06:09 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump announced on Monday that he is rigorously cutting across two vast national nature reserves in Utah to stimulate development in that state. He thereby chased the original inhabitants and environmentalists against him. These called the plan an unprecedented attack on crucial landscape protection.

  • Schutter Texas shot seven minutes long

    sutherland springs November 8, 2017 19:15 Hot Recent News

    The shooting shooter in a Texan church continued for a few minutes. Former military Devin Kelley shot his victims in execution style, said a police source with knowledge of the investigation against The New York Times.

  • Schutter Texas threatened mother in law

    sutherland springs November 6, 2017 17:45 Hot Recent News

    The man who killed 26 people in a church in Texas sent threatening text messages to his mother in law. 'We know they received threatening messages from him,' said a spokesman for the Texan Department of Public Security.

  • Archer in church Texas committed suicide

    sutherland springs November 6, 2017 13:15 Hot Recent News

    The 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley, who opened fire in Texas in a church in Texas, shot dead 26 people after being robbed of life. This is reported by the police on Monday.

  • Japanese minister praises Hitler

    Japanese minister praises Hitler

    tokio August 30, 2017 11:06 Hot Recent News

    The Japanese Minister of Finance expressed his admiration for the Nazis. He described the German dictator Adolf Hitler as someone 'with the right driving forces.' Taro Aso added: 'Hitler, who killed millions of people, did not appreciate, although his motives knocked.'

  • Life might be possible on Saturn moon

    Life might be possible on Saturn moon

    washington April 13, 2017 21:54 Hot Recent News

    Life would sometimes be possible on one of the moons of the planet Saturn. These scientists found a food source for life on the moon Enceladus. And in Europe, a moon of Jupiter, the conditions for life could also be beneficial, researchers at the US space agency NASA said on Thursday.

  • 'SMS 2.0' on phones 20 manufacturers

    'SMS 2.0' on phones 20 manufacturers

    February 24, 2017 15:27 Hot Recent News

    The successor to the traditional text messages will be used in each case as standard on the phones of twenty smartphone makers. namely they will flour springs a new messaging app from Google that supports the new technology.

  • Syrian rebels quit peace talks

    Syrian rebels quit peace talks

    damascus January 3, 2017 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The cease-fire in Syria once again proved shaky. Twelve of the rebel groups as moderate reputable Free Syrian Army have withdrawn from the negotiations leading to genuine peace talks. They accuse the government forces, including allies that they have violated the ceasefire.

  • Greek ferries sail again, strike over

    Greek ferries sail again, strike over

    athens December 10, 2016 08:24 Hot Recent News

    Ferry Staff in Greece ended the strike. This can end the sometimes chaotic conditions on the Greek islands. The president of the union PNO made Saturday by the Greek television announced that the ferry staff goes to work after the springs eight days had halted.

  • Dutch F-35 performs in Death Valley [PHOTOS]
    0 Comment 477

    Dutch F-35 performs in Death Valley [PHOTOS]

    November 16, 2016 18:06 Hot Recent News

    In the American desert valley Death Valley is the Dutch air force already well practiced with the F-35. Some pictures of a regular training mission in the gebeid fly around the US air base Edwards AFB give an impressive picture of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II in action.

  • Agents shot in US

    Agents shot in US

    October 9, 2016 05:06 Hot Recent News

    At least three officers were Saturday (local time) shot in the US Palm Springs (California). According to television station KESQ TV are deceased, two of the policemen shot.

  • 'Boy dressed as Hitler Prom'
    0 Comment 103

    'Boy dressed as Hitler Prom'

    September 19, 2016 16:20 Hot Recent News

    "An Australian boy who attended a school event while he was dressed as Hitler, has been chosen as " one of the best dressed students. \"The St. Philips College in the central Australian town of Alice Springs exhausted himself in excuses when it was over considerable commotion erupted."

  • Guards in Belgium continue strike

    Guards in Belgium continue strike

    brussels May 19, 2016 06:15 Hot Recent News

    The strikes continue guards in Belgium. Consultation between unions of prison staff and the Minister of Justice Koen Geens Wednesday night to no avail. However, the unions are overwhelmingly positive about the additional measures proposed by the Minister.

  • Contaminated drinking water affects thousands of Spaniards

    Contaminated drinking water affects thousands of Spaniards

    barcelona April 26, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people in the northeast of Spain have become ill after drinking water that was contaminated with particles of human feces. The Guardian reported Tuesday according to local health authorities which 4146 people in Catalonia have been treated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and fever, which causes the so-called norovirus.

  • Greek protests are spreading

    Greek protests are spreading

    athens January 28, 2016 10:49 Hot Recent News

    The protests in Greece against the intention of the government to cut back 15 percent on pensions and to introduce new taxes, expand. On Thursday morning for the second day in a row, people took to the streets and has stopped work in different sectors.

  • US shooting suspect : I'm guilty

    US shooting suspect : I'm guilty

    December 10, 2015 01:28 Hot Recent News

    The suspect in a fatal shooting at an abortion clinic in the US Colorado Springs, has announced during an emotional outburst in court debt. "I am guilty, there is no trial. I am a fighter for the babies," cried the alleged gunman at the beginning of the session.

  • Killed in shooting in US abortion clinic

    Killed in shooting in US abortion clinic

    November 28, 2015 08:45 Hot Recent News

    In a shooting at an abortion clinic in Colorado Springs Friday three people were killed and nine people injured. According to police, the dead, two civilians and a policeman. The shooter was hours in the clinic. He surrendered after a shootout with the police eventually.

  • Shooting at clinic in Colorado Springs

    Shooting at clinic in Colorado Springs

    November 27, 2015 22:00 Hot Recent News

    In a shooting at a clinic run by the American organization Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) are Friday in Colorado Springs have fallen four injured, listed The Colorado Springs Gazette. An unknown gunman opened apparently random fire on people.

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