• Two suspects December 8 trial at court

    Two suspects December 8 trial at court

    paramaribo December 10, 2018 08:00 Hot Recent News

    In the December 8 trial, two suspects end up in Suriname. These two, Harvey Naarendorp and John Hardjoprojitno, were minister at the time of the December murders in 1982. That is why their case should be before the subdistrict court and not the court martial, as was the case with the other suspects in this criminal proceedings.

  • Martial Council completes sessions in December killings

    Martial Council completes sessions in December killings

    paramaribo November 30, 2018 17:32 Hot Recent News

    The Surinam martial council dealt with the latest cases in the trial of the December murders on Friday. It is not yet known when the president of this court will give judgment against the seventeen suspects. Twenty years were demanded for eight suspects and for the other nine the prosecutor asked for acquittal.

  • Judge Suriname resumes case of terror suspects

    Judge Suriname resumes case of terror suspects

    paramaribo October 31, 2018 07:32 Hot Recent News

    The Surinamese judge continues Wednesday with the case of the brothers Raoul A. and Nasr I. They are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities in Suriname. The lawyers of the brothers are given the opportunity to interrogate the agent who led the police investigation.

  • Bouterse can take the last word

    Bouterse can take the last word

    paramaribo October 29, 2018 10:48 Hot Recent News

    Desi Bouterse, chief suspect in the 8 December trial, will have the opportunity to speak on Monday during a court session. Thereafter, the handling of the criminal case is closed against him. Whether he will use this right to the last word is not known. In the past eighteen years in which the Surinam court of martial law dealt with this case, Bouterse has never been personally present. He was always represented by his lawyer.

  • Session of martial law Suriname to the end of October

    Session of martial law Suriname to the end of October

    paramaribo October 12, 2018 21:00 Hot Recent News

    The criminal proceedings surrounding the December murders in Suriname did not resume on Friday. The president of the martial council Cynthia Valstein-Montnor shifted the session in the military chamber to 30 October, as the court clerk said. There is no reason for the other date.

  • To turn back to the December murder trial

    To turn back to the December murder trial

    paramaribo July 30, 2018 06:24 Hot Recent News

    After the lawyers of the suspects in the criminal proceedings about the December murders in recent months, it is Monday again the turn of the Surinamese Public Prosecution Service (OM). The prosecutor will respond to the pleadings of, among others, Irvin Kanhai, the lawyer of main suspect Desi Bouterse, the president of Suriname.

  • 30 suspects arrested in murder cases

    30 suspects arrested in murder cases

    paramaribo May 7, 2018 17:57 Hot Recent News

    The Surinamese police have arrested thirty suspects in connection with the murder of several fishermen more than a week ago. The Surinamese Minister of Justice and Police Stuart Getrouw announced this during a press conference in Paramaribo.

  • Suspects December murders want acquittal

    Suspects December murders want acquittal

    paramaribo April 30, 2018 18:39 Hot Recent News

    In the criminal proceedings about the December murders, lawyer Irwin Kanhai asked for an acquittal for three suspects on Monday. According to him there is insufficient evidence that in December 1982 Stephanus Dendoe, Ernst Gefferie and Iwan Dijksteel were closely involved in the murder of fifteen prominent Surinamese. The Public Prosecutor demanded 20 years in prison against the three at the end of last year.

  • Again delay Surinamese 8 December process

    Again delay Surinamese 8 December process

    paramaribo March 26, 2018 15:03 Hot Recent News

    The meeting scheduled for Tuesday of the 8 December trial in Suriname will not take place. A clear reason is not given. An official statement states that the court of war will not let the court pass because of 'special circumstances'.

  • Goudrun in Suriname
    0 Comment 236

    Goudrun in Suriname

    paramaribo March 26, 2018 11:24 Hot Recent News

    A discovered gold vein in Suriname leads to a bizarre run in the area. A video from De Ware Tijd newspaper shows that hundreds of people are displaced in the mud for a lump of gold.

  • Surinamese police finds submarine for drugs
    0 Comment 674

    Surinamese police finds submarine for drugs

    paramaribo March 2, 2018 22:24 Hot Recent News

    A team from the Surinamese police encountered a special investigation on a large submarine that was probably used for drug transport. The submarine was found in a creek in the Saramacca district, west of the capital Paramaribo. The National Information Institute (NII) announced this on Friday.

  • Advocaat advocates acquittal for Bouterse

    Advocaat advocates acquittal for Bouterse

    paramaribo January 29, 2018 16:18 Hot Recent News

    Desi Bouterse must be acquitted of the death of fifteen opponents of his then military regime in December 1982. His lawyer Irvin Kanhai argued in the lawsuit about the December murders. He stated that there is not enough evidence that Bouterse is guilty. According to him, it was not the intention that the critics were killed.

  • Lawyer Bouterse to put in December process

    Lawyer Bouterse to put in December process

    paramaribo January 28, 2018 10:18 Hot Recent News

    The December murder trial in Suriname is entering a new phase on Monday. The lawyer of main suspect Desi Bouterse, Irvin Kanhai, will respond to the twenty-year prison that the Public Prosecution Service (OM) has demanded against the current president of Suriname.

  • Six babies died in hospital Paramaribo

    Six babies died in hospital Paramaribo

    paramaribo January 19, 2018 19:18 Hot Recent News

    At the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP), six premature babies died in recent weeks as a result of bacterial contamination. Seven other babies are still infected, of which one is ill. The other six are out of danger, the management of the hospital announced during a press conference on Friday.

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