• Collision frigate and tanker Norway

    Collision frigate and tanker Norway

    oslo November 8, 2018 11:00 Hot Recent News

    Off the coast of Hordaland in Norway, an oil tanker and a ship from the Norwegian navy collided on Thursday morning. According to local media, the frigate KNM Helge Ingstad makes a lot of water, but there is no danger of sinking. The ship has partly run aground and is kept upright.

  • 'Only new lung can save Mette-Marit (45)'
    0 Comment 159

    'Only new lung can save Mette-Marit (45)'

    oslo October 27, 2018 01:16 Hot Recent News

    This week she had to cancel a visit in the country and that was a harbinger of bad news for the Norwegians. PRINCESS METTE-MARIT, the wife of KROONPRINS HAAKON is very ill, suffers from a rare form of pulmonary fibrosis and only a new lung seems to be able to save her...

  • Oslo releases alleged Russian spies

    Oslo releases alleged Russian spies

    oslo October 20, 2018 06:16 Hot Recent News

    The Norwegian authorities released a Russian man on Friday suspected of espionage. He was stuck for almost a month. The Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) wanted to extend the pre-trial detention order, but the Oslo court rejected that request. The appeal of the PST was also unsuccessful.

  • Choosing Nobel Peace is difficult

    Choosing Nobel Peace is difficult

    oslo October 5, 2018 11:16 Hot Recent News

    The Nobel Peace Prize, awarded on Friday, is one of the most important political rewards that is being forgiven in the world. This year, the choice seems more difficult than in other years because it is not clear how sustainable current peace initiatives will be.

  • Two billion extra to crisis area Chad

    Two billion extra to crisis area Chad

    berlin September 3, 2018 19:16 Hot Recent News

    The international community wants to spend more than 1.7 billion euros extra for aid to the crisis area around Lake Chad. During a donor conference in Berlin, the needy population of one of the poorest regions in the world was pledged about three times as much as a year ago at a similar meeting in Oslo.

  • Suu Kyi may hold Nobel Prize

    Suu Kyi may hold Nobel Prize

    oslo August 29, 2018 17:16 Hot Recent News

    The Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi does not have to worry about having to hand in her Nobel Peace Prize. The rules do not allow the prestigious award to be withdrawn, says the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

  • Breivik catches bone at EU court

    Breivik catches bone at EU court

    staatsburg June 21, 2018 09:42 Hot Recent News

    The European Court of Human Rights does not consider a complaint from Anders Breivik about his treatment in prison. The mass murderer believes that his human rights are being violated by inhuman conditions behind the bars.

  • Packed Norwegian in Russia confesses to being a spy

    Packed Norwegian in Russia confesses to being a spy

    oslo April 22, 2018 21:39 Hot Recent News

    A 62-year-old Norwegian who was arrested in Russia last year on suspicion of espionage has announced that he is a retired employee of his country's military intelligence service. Frode Berg worked for years for the Norwegian army as a border guard, made Berg's lawyer known.

  • Record number of wolves killed in Norway

    Record number of wolves killed in Norway

    oslo April 20, 2018 14:45 Hot Recent News

    A record number of wolves were killed in Norway last winter. Hunters shot thirty wolves, the Ministry of Environment reported. The high number does not mean that the country counts more wolves. The Norwegian government allowed a higher number of wolves to be shot during the past hunting season: 42.

  • Snow causes chaos in Norway

    oslo January 16, 2018 11:00 Hot Recent News

    Heavy snowfall has led to power outages and chaos on roads and airports in the south of Norway. Almost 20,000 households do not have electricity, the Norwegian authorities reported Tuesday.

  • Nobel laureate warns US and North Korea

    oslo December 9, 2017 17:24 Hot Recent News

    A survivor of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima has called on the United States and North Korea to prevent a nuclear strike. The 85-year-old Setsuko Thurlow was supported by the head of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which won the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

  • Large-scale sexual abuse under Sami

    oslo November 29, 2017 09:03 Hot Recent News

    Norway is under the spell of years of massive sexual abuse in the village of Tysfjord, a community of Sami in Lapland. In the village with about 2000 inhabitants, people have been sexually abused on a large scale. An investigation has already revealed 151 cases, including 43 rapes.

  • Norwegian Syria goer gets 7.5 years

    oslo November 20, 2017 12:45 Hot Recent News

    The court in Oslo Monday sentenced a 34-year-old Norwegian to 7.5 years in prison for having joined Islamic State. Kristian Michelsen traveled to Syria in 2014 to fight for the terrorist group. He was arrested in 2016 on the Turkish side of the Turkish-Syrian border and extradited to Norway by the Turkish authorities.

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