Weinstein fired after sex scandal at his own film company

Weinstein fired after sex scandal at his own film company

World October 11, 2017 01:45

los angeles - Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was immediately released as CEO of The Weinstein Company. The company said in a press release that Sunday. Weinstein is accused of sexual harassment and the unwanted harassment of dozens of employees. He is one of the co-founder of the film company.

'In the light of new information that has come out in recent days about Harvey Weinstein's misconduct, the Weinstein Company's management has decided to terminate the employment relationship with Harvey Weinstein with immediate effect', read in the statement.

The 65-year-old Weinstein is co-founder of The Weinstein Company. He was already inactive on 7 October after The New York Times published an article in which several employees and actresses accused Weinstein of sexual harassment.

In the New York Times article, several women talk about Weinstein's handcraft, which paid eight women a financial fee to keep things under control. Actress Ashley Judd also publicly discusses her experience with Weinstein and his unwanted intimacies. He asked the actress if she wanted to watch him while he was taking a shower.

The producer has apologized for Friday for the many sexual harassment that he would have committed for thirty years. Harvey Weinstein holds in Hollywood as one of the most influential producers. For example, his company produced successful films such as The King's Speech, Pulp Fiction and Good Will Hunting.

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