US and Pakistan on collision course to Hafiz Saeed

World November 25, 2017 18:30

islamabad - The United States is threatening repercussions for relations between the US and Pakistan if Islamabad does not take action to arrest a Muslim militant who has been released. It is accused of being the brain behind the attack in 2008 in Mumbai.

'Hafiz Saver's release, after Pakistan failed to prosecute or indict him, is a disturbing message about Pakistan's commitment to fighting international terrorism, said the White House. It belies the Pakistani claim that it will not be a refuge for terrorists on its territory, according to the statement. At the attacks in Mumbai in November 2008, 174 people were killed, 308 others were injured.

Pakistani police hit large-scale on Saturday with Islamists blocking major roads in Islamabad for more than two weeks with a sit-in. Approximately 4,000 police officers took to the streets to drive away the about one thousand activists from the Tehreek-e-Labaik movement.

The police were received with a rain of stones. Campaigners set fire to police vehicles. Dozens of activists were arrested. The demonstrators demand the resignation of the Minister of Justice because he has changed an oath in the elections so that they lead to blasphemy. In other cities in Pakistan too, Islamists took to the streets to demonstrate.

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