UN investigation bombing soldier North Korea

World November 14, 2017 07:03

seoul - The United Nations is investigating the shooting of a North Korean soldier who tried to flee over the border with South Korea on Monday. The medical condition of the military is critical, but South Korean doctors expect him to be saved.

The North Korean military was shot down by North Korean military in South Korea during his flight. The military was found on the southern side of Panmunjom border village, about 50 meters south of the demarcation line. He was injured on his shoulder and elbow, said the South Korean Ministry of Defense. He is being operated on his shotwounds.

The military has passed from a North Korean waiting station in the neighborhood. 'Because it's an area that has been exposed to the north, we had to crawl there to get him away,' added the Ministry's spokesman. There was no direct response to the incident from North Korea. According to South Korea, there was no unusual activity around the border on Tuesday.

On average, a thousand North Koreans travel to South Korea a year, but most of them travel through China. It is rare for a North Korean to cross the border between the two Koreans. The last time was in June. Ten years ago, a North Korean soldier flew through the demilitarized zone.

South and North Korea are still in a formal state of war since their conflict in the 1950s-1953 ended in a truce and not in a peace treaty.

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