UN concerned about prosecution of perpetrators 'Mosul'
- https://www.telegraaf.nl/images/300x200/filters:format(jpeg):quality(50)/cdn-kiosk-api.telegraaf.nl/3f09c582-bfd5-11e7-999d-117bcab0560c.jpg
The months of fighting in Mosul, according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Office (Ohchr) Office and the UN Mission in Iraq, were accompanied by large-scale human rights violations. In particular, the Islamic State terrorist organization committed itself to guilty.
However, the prosecution of the perpetrators has the necessary feet in the earth. 'Iraqi courts and tribunals do not have jurisdiction over international crimes,' concludes researchers, who under such crimes understand genocide.
Also, Iraqi legislation does not provide sufficient assurances that suspects get a fair trial, according to the report. According to researchers, the authorities could appeal to the International Criminal Court in The Hague to ensure that perpetrators are tried.
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