Trump on the sideline at G20 climate
July 8, 2017 16:54
hamburg - The G20 summit in Hamburg has been concluded with a joint closing declaration including free trade and climate. President Donald Trump did not conclude as the only G20 leader that the climate treaty of Paris is 'irreversible'. On June 1, the US withdraw from the agreement by the end of 2015.
Free Trade Agrees all twenty that they will fight 'protectionism including all unfair business practices. 'To overcome Trump with this part of the statement, it means that they' recognize the role of legitimate instruments to protect trade. ' 'With the concession, Trump can come home.
'Obviously we could not reach a consensus,' said Chancellor and G20 chairman Angela Merkel afterwards. Premier Mark Rutte said that Trump did not expect us to fall in the cry here and return to the climate treaty. '
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