Trump creaks ex-employee White House

Trump creaks ex-employee White House

World August 13, 2018 18:45

washington - The American president Trump has been out on Monday against a former employee who wrote a book about her experiences in the White House and says she has secretly made recordings. Trump calls 'the crazy Omarosa' someone who has never achieved anything and will never be able to. She is evil, but stupid, says Trump.

Omarosa Manigault Newman worked in the White House, but according to Trump was set aside, after Chief of Staff John Kelly had complained that she was only causing problems and was 'a loser'. According to Trump, she was unfriendly and missed appointments for her work.

The Afro-American, 44-year-old Omarosa was a personality from reality TV series, including the NBC show The Apprentice (De Leerling) which was then made and presented by Trump. She became involved in the Trump election campaign in July 2016. She got a job at the White House in early 2017. She was pushed aside in December.

At the time it was reported that on December 12, 2017, she was removed by security personnel from the White House complex against her will. She herself did not claim to have been fired, but to have stepped out of her own.

On Tuesday, her book 'Undefeated' appears in which she calls Trump a racist. According to the White House, the book is full of lies and false accusations. Omarosa has distributed recordings via NBC on Monday which, according to her, is Trump's telephone response to her resignation. Trump says she did not know anything about her dismissal. Earlier she distributed recordings of a conversation with Kelly about her resignation.

In the Trump telephone response distributed by Omarosa, the president does not seem to be well aware of what is happening in 'his' White House: 'Omarosa, what is going on? I just saw the news that you are planning to resign (...). 'Omarosa replies:' General Kelly told me that you want to leave me. 'Trump reacts with surprise:' No, I do... No one has said anything about this. '

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