T-Mobile USA cheated with phone calls

T-Mobile USA cheated with phone calls

World April 16, 2018 19:54

washington - The American telecom watchdog FCC has imposed a fine on T-Mobile USA for tampering with calls from customers to outside areas in the United States. Instead of improving accessibility, the sister company of Dutch T-Mobile added a fake phone tone, making it seem like it was not being recorded.

T-Mobile USA has admitted, in hundreds of millions of cases, of violating telecom rules with counterfeit ringtones. The company now has to pay a $ 40 million fine and has promised improvement.

The FCC oversees the accessibility of outdoor areas in the US. Several T-Mobile customers complained that they could not get hold of people in certain regions. The company already said that they had already dealt with the problems, but that was not the case at the time.

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