SUV with self-propelled Apple technology spotted

SUV with self-propelled Apple technology spotted

Tech April 28, 2017 08:54

cupertino - For the first time, a Lexus self-propelled technology was spotted on the road. That was in Silicon Valley. The photos of the ride have been broadcast to Bloomberg press office.

The Lexus RX450h SUV emerged this week from an Apple building. The vehicle was equipped with a series of sensors, says the person who gave the photos to Bloomberg. For example, the car would be equipped with radar, a series of cameras and lidar (a kind of radar, but for light).

According to an expert who saw the pictures, the sensors seem to have been purchased from suppliers rather than being customized. An Apple spokesman refused to respond.

Two weeks ago, it became known that Apple had been granted permission in California to test its self-propelled cars technology. The green light applies to three vehicles.

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