SPD wants new elections

World November 20, 2017 13:12

berlin - The Social Democratic SPD wants new elections in Germany. The party management unanimously confirmed this on Monday. The party considers it 'important that citizens can reassess the situation and we are not afraid of new elections.'

It is a confirmation that after the election defeat in September, the SPD will in no circumstances again play a second violin in a Great Coalition with the Christian Democrats of Chancellor Merkel.

On Sunday evening the negotiations between the Christian Democrats (CDU / CSU), the FDP and the Greens failed over a new government coalition. The right-wing liberal FDP pulled the plug from the negotiations because the party lost confidence in the end result.

The coalition of CDU / CSU, FDP and Greens was the only real possibility without the SPD on the basis of the distribution of seats after the parliamentary elections of 24 September.

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