Shanghai is full

World December 26, 2017 14:06

shanghai - China's largest city Shanghai can hardly lose new residents. The municipality has determined that the limit has been reached with 25 million inhabitants. That number is expected in 2035.

The city is the largest municipality in the world and has a separate status in China. The board of directors of Shanghai has drawn up a master plan 2017-2035 to curb and control the expansion. The national government has granted its consent to the plan. In addition to checking the number of inhabitants, the extreme city limits are also 'monitored'. The city is 3200 square kilometers.

Shanghai is the business center of China's superpower. He suffers from serious environmental pollution, traffic chaos and a shortage of municipal education and health services, writes The Guardian. 175 years ago Shanghai was still a village with some fishing and textile industry. From the middle of the nineteenth century the village grew into a world city. The city on the east coast of China has, among other things, the largest port in the world.

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