Sending two Guantanamo prisoners to Ghana

Sending two Guantanamo prisoners to Ghana

World January 7, 2016 07:07

- The United States Wednesday two prisoners from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay shipped to Ghana. These are men from Yemen. It has notified the US Department of Defense.

         Human rights organization Amnesty International welcomes the decision.,, The transfer of the men of today plus the fifteen others we expect this month, a sign that President Barack Obama wants to work on the promise to close Guantanamo before he leaves.
Obama has since taking office more than once announced its intention to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. In prison in the US enclave in Cuba stays according to figures from the Department still 105 prisoners. Many of these are men who would belong to al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Many prisoners have Afghan nationality. The men are being held without trial.
Field Guantanamo Bay is a US naval base including two airports in southeast Cuba.

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