'Sample fat mountain in sewage'

'Sample fat mountain in sewage'

World September 12, 2017 11:03

london - Do you regularly wash things through the toilet that does not actually belong? Then you'll see the result: in a London sewer, a 'fatberg' is found to be 250 meters long and 130 tons heavily found. The dirty accumulation of solidified grease, diapers, oils and condoms is described by the sewer manager as 'a complete sample'.

According to the authorities, cleaning up the mess costs a lot of time. 'It has become a massive mass. It's actually the same as breaking through concrete, 'said a spokesman. 'We see more frequent bumps, but we have not seen this size yet. '

The cleaning maid at Whitechapel Road is likely to take days. In Kingston, another 'fat plug' was found in the size of a bus in 2013.

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