Russian hacker again convicted in US

World December 1, 2017 15:54

atlanta - The son of a Russian MP has been twice convicted in the United States for a big cyber crack. The 33-year-old Roman Seleznev was sentenced to fourteen years in prison in the state of Georgia and fourteen years in the state of Nevada. In addition, he must repay 53 million dollars, converted about 45 million euros.

Seleznev is already serving a 27-year sentence in the state of Washington. He must serve the three sentences simultaneously.

Seleznev used the hidden names Track2, Bulba and Ncux. He was part of a hacker group that Carder. su is mentioned. Who stole the details of credit cards from at least five hundred US companies. These were defrauded for at least 169 million dollars (142 million euros). A total of 55 alleged members of Carder. su have been sued. 33 of them have already been convicted.

Among other things Seleznev ensured that in 2008 the gang got access to 45.5 million debit cards from a bank in Atlanta. The data was stolen and in twelve hours the gang collected more than $ 9 million from 2100 ATMs in 280 cities around the world.

The American investigators were Seleznev almost ten years on the heels. In 2014 he was arrested at the Maldives. The hacker is the son of Valeri Seleznev, who is a member of the Russian parliament for the ultra-nationalist Liberal Democratic Party Russia.

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