Russia wants 48-hour battle breaks

Russia wants 48-hour battle breaks

World August 18, 2016 15:51

- Russia is willing to weekly cease-fire of 48 hours around the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo. The Defense Department Thursday showed a willingness to support the proposal on that of UN envoy Staffan de Mistura.

The fight,, humanitarian pauses '' are intended to bring convoys into the city. Now that's too dangerous, with the result that hundreds of thousands of people are deprived of much-needed aid.

Russia and the Syrian government arrived earlier with the plan to arms to silence every day for three hours. But according to the UN too short to bring needed supplies to besieged areas. Russia twiijfelde out over a longer period, but went Thursday tack. Defense in Moscow reported that the first truce next week to begin.
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