'Quarter mileage self-propelled '

'Quarter mileage self-propelled '

Tech April 10, 2017 08:57

washington - Self-propelled, shared electric cars in the coming years make a huge rise in the United States. In 2030, the Americans will make 1,500 billion kilometers in such cars. That is a quarter of the total distance traveled. That concludes the Boston Consulting Group Monday.

The researchers are three trends together: sharing rides, self-drive and electric cars. The change will be greatest in large cities with over one million inhabitants. There, people will find it more advantageous to do their own car away and order a robot taxi.

'The auto industry is on the threshold of a major transformation and it will be faster than people realize. For millions of Americans in the major cities next car will last car they might buy that they have, '' the researchers said in a statement.

The change creates opportunities and new problems. About ten years are about five million ordinary cars replace 4.7 million self-propelled electric cars. Commuters will spend less money to get to work. But it will also mean a blow to car dealers.

Companies like Tesla, BMW, Mercedes, Ford, Volvo, Honda, Google and Uber set to bring everything to market self-driving cars as fast as possible.

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