North Korea is threatening US-based assault

North Korea is threatening US-based assault

World August 9, 2017 05:48

seoul - North Korea said Wednesday that it is considering a missile attack on the United States. Pyongyang said it was 'cautiously orientated' to an attack on the island of Guam, a US territory located in the Pacific Ocean. A military spokesman reported via the state press agency KCNA that the plan of attack is ready and can be executed immediately as soon as the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un decided.

'The plan includes attacks on the area around Guam using the medium-speed railroad Hwasong-12', the spokesman said. The United States has a major Navy and Air Force Base in Guam, the Anderson Air Force Base.

Guam delegate for the American Congress, Madeleine Bordallo, called on President Donald Trump to show 'powerful leadership.' Bordallo is convinced that US troops will protect Guam from the 'worrying' nuclear threat of North Korea. 'Guam remains safe and I have confidence in the US Army to protect our island and our allies in the region,' Bordallo said in a statement.

The threat of North Korea follows after Trump warned the communist country to stop threatening his country. The president said the regime in Pyongyang can count on 'fire and anger as the world has never seen' if it does not bind.\n  \n   \n    \n    \n   \n   \n   \n      \n   \n     Photo: REUTERS

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