North Korea fires missiles again

North Korea fires missiles again

World August 3, 2016 06:45

seoul - North Korea on Wednesday re-fired ballistic missiles. US forces have detected two launches, reports the Ministry of Interior.

According to South Korea, a rocket was fired from the western region of the neighboring country and ended the missile into the Sea of ​​Japan on the East Coast. Simultaneously, a second missile was launched, but that exploded shortly after departure.

Launches led to fierce criticism of Japan and South Korea. Both countries see it as a serious threat,, '. According to South Korea this shows that North Korea,, is willing to attack neighboring countries. ' The US has condemned the launches of medium-range missiles.
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North Korea in turn is furious at plans by South Korea to set a new missile defense system. South Korea will,, in a sea of ​​fire, and a mountain ash 'can be changed as modern defense system THAAD is placed, the reaction ushered from Pyongyang earlier.

Two weeks ago was the last time that North Korea fired missiles. It then went to three ballistic missiles, which had a range of between five hundred and six hundred kilometers. Which also ended up in the sea.

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