No agreement exchanging data with US

No agreement exchanging data with US

World February 1, 2016 22:35

strasbourg - The European Commission has been unable to reach a new agreement yet on the exchange of private information with the United States. European Commissioner responsible věra jourová (Justice) made known Monday at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. National data protection regulators in Brussels had until now given time to reach a deal.

In the autumn, the European Court of Justice ruled that personal data of European Internet users can not just be transferred to the United States. This was a line through a fifteen year old decision by Brussels that the US classing as a 'safe haven' for private data.

Jourova said the negotiators,, close together 'have come and expressed the hope that,, in the short term and as soon as possible 'is' consistent.

Tuesday and Wednesday the national supervisors discuss how they proceed. Failure to reach a deal worries many MEPs. GroenLinks politician Judith Sargentini mentioned a bomb that is about to burst. Jeroen Lenaers (CDA) wants to know what plan B is.

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