Nigerian firm for online fraud million

World August 2, 2016 07:36

abuja - With the arrest of a 40-year-old Nigerian think Interpol thousands of cases of online scams have been resolved. Suspect 'Mike' is suspected that he and his gang over the years have earned about 54 million euros by highlighting companies worldwide. He was arrested at home, as did Interpol Monday.

The scammers hacked include e-mail addresses and then sent false bills on to customers. Also committed them that way 'CEO fraud 'which is tantamount to a criminal posing as the boss of a company and gives employees via e-mail orders. The gang knew of one company less than 14 million euros to extort.

The investigation into the gang was a collaboration between Interpol, the Nigerian authorities and specialized software companies. Interpol is the case, that the public and particularly for businesses to be more aware of the dangers of cybercrime.
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