Mueller has dozens of questions for Trump

Mueller has dozens of questions for Trump

World May 1, 2018 12:54

washington - The American special prosecutor Robert Mueller has dozens of questions for President Donald Trump. This is reported by the American newspaper The New York Times, who managed to put the hand on the questionnaire. Trump called it 'scandalous' on Twitter that questions about 'the Russian witch hunt' have been leaked to the media. '

Mueller investigates the possible Russian interference in the presidential election of 2016. He apparently wants to get Trump across many topics, such as the resignation of FBI director James Comey and a meeting in the Trump Tower in New York between top employees of his campaign team and a Russian lawyer. The Trump team thought it would get incriminating information about Democrate Hillary Clinton.

The former Trump lawyer, John Dowd, did not want the president to be personally heard by Mueller according to the paper. Trump just needed that. Dowd finally resigned, reportedly because he felt that his client was ignoring his advice.

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