Mud gives oldest British manuscript price

Mud gives oldest British manuscript price

World June 1, 2016 16:36

london - Archaeologists have unearthed London's oldest handwritten text ever found in Britain. The manuscript, which dates from the year 57, was found on the construction site of the new office of Bloomberg. Some other as mined but undated manuscripts are possibly even decades older.

Found a handwritten text on a wasplankje, which therefore dates from the early years of the Roman occupation of England, appears to contain good advice as a trader to make an impression not too shabby. On another wasplankje is a reference survived to London which is even older than the previously oldest reference to the British capital, which Tacitus in his Annals. The archaeologists also found a probable writing exercise and a receipt.

The had already perished, but the stylus which is used left-readable marks in the wood. Which has survived the centuries because it was safely buried in swampy mud.
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