Lifetime for attempted 'parachute killing'

Lifetime for attempted 'parachute killing'

World June 15, 2018 13:12

london - A British sergeant who repeatedly tried to assassinate his wife was sentenced to life imprisonment in Britain. Emile Cilliers (38) sabotaged, among other things, the parachute of the woman. She survived the fall, but was seriously injured according to British media.

The court ruled that Cilliers had, among other things, financial and sexual motives. So he bined on money from life insurance to pay off his debts. He also wanted to start a new life with his mistress.

The sergeant had first tried to kill his wife by causing a gas leak in their home in Amesbury. He obviously hoped that she would blow herself up while cooking. Cilliers then resorted to sabotaging the parachute of his wife.

That the second attempt at assassination also failed, according to the BBC is seen as a 'near-miracle.' 'The now 41-year-old woman survived a fall of 1200 meters in 2015. She thanked that probably to the soft ground on the field where she landed.

The sergeant is eligible for early release in eighteen years.

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